Our policy is to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that our activities are carried out safely and do not pose a risk to anyone who may use our churches or churchyards
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) of each church accepts overall responsibility for this.
We will appoint a member of each PCC to have specific responsibility for this policy and its implementation.
We will keep health and safety matters under review at appropriate intervals.
We will monitor the effectiveness of the policy, amending it where we believe it is no longer valid.
It is the duty of everyone to exercise personal responsibility for their own safety and that of others. This policy will be brought to their attention. We will try to ensure that everyone involved with the church plays their part in its implementation.
The policy is designed to make our estate safe without introducing unnecessary restriction or heavy-handedness.
- maintaining a safe environment as far as is practicable in historic buildings and churchyards
- providing information and instruction for safe working to all involved in the work of the church
The Health and Safety officers will assist the PCCs by
- undertaking initial and ongoing risk assessments and implementing the findings of such assessments by practical means and by informing relevant persons
- keeping a log of safety equipment maintenance and of accidents or injuries
- responding to serious risks as soon as possible, drawing attention to the PCCs as soon as practical